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Message: #07942

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Re: [EP-tech] One of many questions to this mailing list

Hi Iain,

Welcome to EPrints :o)


For your first question:

The item summary page is controlled by:



This in turn uses the document citations e.g.

<epc:print expr="$doc.citation('default')" />


It's worth taking a look at the summary_page.xml file - and comparing it with your pages - to see how things work (feel free to ask questions about any parts of this on here!).


For the second question:

This may be part of a 'trigger' that fires when an eprint changes state between 'inbox' and 'buffer'.

I would search the repository config [EPRINTS_ROOT]/archives/[ARCHIVEID]/cfg/,  for:

eprint_status_change (this was an older way of doing this type of thing)

EP_TRIGGER_STATUS_CHANGE (the more modern way of doing this)


This will hopefully locate the logic that is applied when something changes state.

If it doesn't try searching for the two terms above in [EPRINTS_ROOT]/lib/ and [EPRINTS_ROOT]/cfg/


Again, if you need help with what you find (or you don't find anything), let us know!





From: eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk [mailto:eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Iain Gray via Eprints-tech
Sent: 08 August 2019 14:16
To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
Subject: [EP-tech] One of many questions to this mailing list




I am quite new to the confguration of ePrints and have a couple of what i hope are very simple (if annoying) questions to this mailing list. Please feel free to tell me to have a look at the manual:


1) How do we go about adding the Licencse and restriction information to the results display? I can see in the config it must be something to do with the default.xml in the citations/document folder but how does that get pulled into the results display?

2) At present when something new has been deposited around 37 users are emailed to review the item. I am suspecting that this is somethign to do with a particular user type/privilege setting. But can anyone tell me what it is?


Kind Regards





Iain Gray

Information Systems Manager

Royal College of Art
Kensington Gore, London
E: iain.gray@rca.ac.uk
T: +44 (0)20 7590 4111

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