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Message: #07940

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[EP-tech] One of many questions to this mailing list


I am quite new to the confguration of ePrints and have a couple of what i hope are very simple (if annoying) questions to this mailing list. Please feel free to tell me to have a look at the manual:

1) How do we go about adding the Licencse and restriction information to the results display? I can see in the config it must be something to do with the default.xml in the citations/document folder but how does that get pulled into the results display?
2) At present when something new has been deposited around 37 users are emailed to review the item. I am suspecting that this is somethign to do with a particular user type/privilege setting. But can anyone tell me what it is?

Kind Regards



Iain Gray

Information Systems Manager

Royal College of Art
Kensington Gore, London
E: iain.gray@rca.ac.uk
T: +44 (0)20 7590 4111
