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Message: #08580

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[EP-tech] eprints 3.4: add new browse by Field

CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.



How can I add the Field “Contributors” to “Browse by”

I have successfully created the view with this code in file views.pl:

                id => "contributors",

                menus => [


                                fields => [ "contributors_type" ],

                                hideempty => 1,



                                fields => [ "contributors_name" ],

                                reverse_order => 0,

                                allow_null => 1,

                                new_column_at => [10,10],



                order => "contributors_name/title",

                variations => [



                        "DEFAULT" ],


When I go to http://eprints.mydomain.com/view I see Contributors and all working well. But when I try “Browse by”  the entry Contributors is missing.

We have installed eprints 3.4.2. What can I do for fix the problem?

Thanks for Support

Greetings Christian