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Message: #08581

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Re: [EP-tech] eprints 3.4: add new browse by Field

Hi Christian,

I assume by "Browse by" you mean the dropdown "Browse" menu where you can see:

Browse by Year
Browse by Subject
Browse by Division
Browse by Author

If you want to add extra views you will need to manually edit the template for you repository.  By default this will be in <EPRINTS_PATH>/flavours/pub_lib/lang/en/template/default.xml.  However, if you edit this is it best to copy it to <EPRINTS_PATH>/archives/<ARCHIVE_NAME>/lang/en/template/default.xml first.  Then just find the part with the Browse sub-menu and add the additional view.  You may also want to copy and edit <EPRINTS_PATH>/archives/<ARCHIVE_NAME>/lang/en/template/default_internal.xml as well, so the templates remain consistent.  I tend to symlink default_internal.xml to default.xml unless I have a reason for backend admin pages to appear differently.

I don't know if you repository has multiple languages.  If it does you may need to copy and edit template files for lang/de/ lang/fr/, etc.


David Newman

On 22/04/2021 15:36, SGI Support | OST - Ostschweizer Fachhochschule via Eprints-tech wrote:
CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.



How can I add the Field “Contributors” to “Browse by”

I have successfully created the view with this code in file views.pl:

                id => "contributors",

                menus => [


                                fields => [ "contributors_type" ],

                                hideempty => 1,



                                fields => [ "contributors_name" ],

                                reverse_order => 0,

                                allow_null => 1,

                                new_column_at => [10,10],



                order => "contributors_name/title",

                variations => [



                        "DEFAULT" ],


When I go to http://eprints.mydomain.com/view I see Contributors and all working well. But when I try “Browse by”  the entry Contributors is missing.

We have installed eprints 3.4.2. What can I do for fix the problem?

Thanks for Support

Greetings Christian



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