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Message: #08364

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[EP-tech] Trying to understand a disaster after a database update

CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.
Hello everyone

The initial problem : many (about 1,000) metadata values entered by archive editors in a non appropriate field (used in parallel for another purpose by another import mechanism), let's say "infoX". Into the database, this information was stored in a table looking like "eprint_creators_infoX(eprintid,pos,creators_infoX)"

The solution employed :
  1. create a new metadata/field (let's say "infoY") among the creators metadata (with "eprints_fields.pl") and update the database structure in consequence => creation of a new table "eprint_creators_infoY(eprintid,pos,creators_infoY)"
  2. backup (SQL values dump) the important values previously entered and stored into the "eprint_creators_infoX" table;
  3. from this backup, create a new SQL file where the "infoX" column name is replaced by "infoY";
  4. import these values into the new table ""eprint_creators_infoY";
  5. delete the previously entered value from  "eprint_creators_infoX" table (there was an objective criteria to distinguish the entered from the imported values);
  6. run "bin/epdamin recommit <archivename> eprint"
The disaster/issue that happened : all the records from "eprint" main table have been deleted, and the archive/repository consequently appears as empty!!!

Could someone explain this???

Best regards
Laurent Cloarec
Service Commun de la Documentation - Service du Numérique Documentaire
Université Toulouse 1 Capitole