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Message: #08320

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[EP-tech] TrendTerms in eprints 3.4 Screen::EPrint::Box

Good morning would appreciate a bit of assistance currently trying to configure eprints 3.4 to show a Screen::EPrint::Box in the summary page.

Have updated eprint_render.pl and z_trendterms.pl but the box does not appear as shown in the extract below from github readme. https://github.com/eprintsug/TrendTerms


If you use a custom archives/{archive}/cfg/cfg.d/eprint_render.pl to render the summary page, you can turn off the box in archives/{archive}/cfg/cfg.d/z_trendterms.pl by setting


$c->{plugins}->{"Screen::EPrint::Box::TrendTerms"}->{params}->{disable} = 1;


Working on using eprints for fire safety guidance, the document is broken up into chunks with Liam Green script providing uncontrolled keywords via azure AI text analytics, hoping to use the graph as a navigation of keywords 


Best regards,

Phil Stacey

approved document b - volume 1: dwellings repository