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Message: #08319
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[EP-tech] Alphabetically sort a view
- To: "eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk" <eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk>
- Subject: [EP-tech] Alphabetically sort a view
- From: Antonio Fracasso <antonio.fracasso3@unibo.it>
- Date: Wed, 16 Sep 2020 14:06:04 +0000
Dear all,
I have an installation of eprints in which there is this field:
'name' => 'cds',
'type' => 'subject',
'multiple' => 1,
'top' => 'cds',
'browse_link' => 'cds',
in eprint_fields.pl
Now I'm trying to modify this view to sort list of cds alphabetically in views.pl:
hideempty => 1,
variations => [
"relatore", "indirizzo","orientamento","DEFAULT"
noindex => 0,
I've understand that "fields=>"cds,-discussion_date;res=year" is deprecated in eprints 3 from
this wiki page:
But I don't understand how "variations" and "order" works and how I could modify their to achieve my aim.
Could anyone suggest other documentations or websites about eprints 3?
Thank you very much
Antonio Fracasso
ABIS - Unità di processo Gestione e sviluppo della biblioteca digitale d'Ateneo - AlmaDL
Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna
via Quirico Filopanti 7, Bologna https://sba.unibo.it/it/almadl Tel: 0512094019 Mobile: 3351831667 Skypeme: antonio.fracasso Linkedin:
Blog: antoniofracasso.net --------------------------------------------------------------------- "Non importa quanto corri, ma dove corri e perché corri.“
Zdeněk Zeman
- Follow-Ups:
- [EP-tech] Alphabetically sort a view
- From: Antonio Fracasso <antonio.fracasso3@unibo.it>
- [EP-tech] Alphabetically sort a view
- References:
- [EP-tech] Alphabetically sort a view
- From: Antonio Fracasso <antonio.fracasso3@unibo.it>
- [EP-tech] Alphabetically sort a view
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