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Message: #07931

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Re: [EP-tech] Adding more stages to approval workflow?

When I added a stage (5 or 6 years ago)  I overrode the default render_items to add the new stage to https://github.com/eprints/eprints/blob/3.3/perl_lib/EPrints/Plugin/Screen/Items.pm#L242  so that it would include the new stage in determining whether to show the option as selected or not, which could be where your issue is as it seems to loop through the fixed list of options provided rather than refer to the repository config for the list of possible stages?

I haven’t really looked at it again in 5 years so might be missing something, but it’s probably a good place to start.




From: eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk <eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk> On Behalf Of John Salter via Eprints-tech
Sent: 23 July 2019 14:29
To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk; Johannes Schultze <schultze@effective-webwork.de>
Subject: Re: [EP-tech] Adding more stages to approval workflow?


Hi Johannes,

Glad you got the first part working.


I wonder if this is something to do with the way EPrints handles the user preferences - one of which stores which of these check-boxes are ticked.

I've had a quick look through the code, and can see where the default values are getting set.


These are the most relevant pieces of the code - the $user->preference parts:


and in the screen itself:




I cannot (at a quick look) see why the value for the new eprint_status isn't getting saved though.


This script:  https://gist.github.com/jesusbagpuss/b96dd5520018f2ec51c4c76d40e1d9b0

will show you the value for a user that is saved in the database e.g.

> bin/local/get_user_preference_screen_items_ep_status ARCHIVEID 1

admin (admin@example.com)

Existing user preference for 'Screen::Items/eprint_status':

$VAR1 = [











If you have multiple sessions open for a user (either different tabs in a browser, or in different browsers/computers), then ticking it in one session can get overwritten by loading the screen in another session).


You might also be able to see some of what's going on by using the console in the browser e.g. ticking the box for 'Retired' makes a request to:



You could try a request to e.g.


to see if that does anything?


Sorry this isn't a definite answer - hopefully it helps get started though.

I'll have a bit more time to take a look tomorrow if necessary.






From: eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk [mailto:eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Johannes Schultze via Eprints-tech
Sent: 23 July 2019 13:19
To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
Subject: Re: [EP-tech] Adding more stages to approval workflow?


Hi Chris, hi John,

one follow up question. I got my complex net of different states working, but I can't get the filters on the "manage deposits" page to work. I reduced the new statuses to one for this example.

I can't check the "Status 1" checkbox. It always stays unchecked. Having eprints in that state or not does not change anything. The same problem occurs when I use the unedited dark_archive code from the Bazaar. Can you give me a hint, why this might not work?


Hi Chris, hi John,

I think I got a working demo by now. I used the dark_archive plugin as a start, and added a second stage so ...

inbox/buffer/... -> dark_archive -> dark_archive2

... is now possible. The final workflow will be more complex, but I think I should get it configured with this approach.

Thanks again,

Hi Chris, hi John,

thanks a lot for your quick replies and your hints! I'll take a look at both solutions and let you know if I got it all to work.


There is a different way to achieve this.

You can add new 'eprint_status' options.

This page: https://wiki.eprints.org/w/Building_a_DataSet provides details of how to create a 'dark archive' - which is normally a different end-point for a record - so instead of:

Inbox -> buffer -> archive

You can also go:

Inbox -> buffer -> dark_archive


This plugin does the same:



What you would need to configure is

options  => [qw( inbox buffer archive deletion bufferX bufferY )],

and also think about whether anyone can move e.g. from buffer to archive - or whether everything has to go through all stages.


You may want to define more user roles - so a 'normal' editor can move from buffer to bufferX, but a 'super editor' can move from buffer to bufferX, bufferY or even to archive.


You may also want to create a clone of the review screen that looks at bufferX and buffer explicitily.


Chris' solution would also work, each has it's merits!





From: eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk [mailto:eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Christöpher Gutteridge via Eprints-tech
Sent: 26 June 2019 12:06
To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk; Johannes Schultze <schultze@effective-webwork.de>
Subject: Re: [EP-tech] Adding more stages to approval workflow?


This isn't trivial but would be possible. This is me riffing and would need refining.

First of all, I would add tickbox fields for levels of signoff. ie. signoffA and signoffB and  signoffC.

Next I would use conditionals on the "workflow" XML file to modify it as follows.

In the main <flow> section, use a <when> condition to split behaviour for the 3 stages of the buffer to add additional stages to the end IF the user has the appropriate parameters. At an extreme level you can write a plugin function that takes the user and eprint as inputs and returns true if they have the right to approve it at stage a/b/c.

If signoffA is false and the user can approve level A on this EPrint, they see the levelA approve stage which has the signoffA tickbox on it and they can set it to true.

If signoffA is true, but  signoffB is false and the user can approve level B, the see the levelB approve stage which has the signoffB tickbox

Similar for signoffC.

The validation for publishing makes "signoffC" approval a required field so it can't be published without signoffC being set.

  <stage ref="type"/>
  <stage ref="files"/>
  <stage ref="core"/>
  <stage ref="subjects"/>
     <epc:when test="eprint_status='buffer' and !signoffA and $current_user{canSignoffA}'>
        <stage ref="signoffA" />
     <epc:when test="eprint_status='buffer' and signoffA and !signoffB and $current_user{canSignoffB}'>
        <stage ref="signoffB" />
     <epc:when test="eprint_status='buffer' and signoffA and signoffB and !signoffC and $current_user{canSignoffC}'>
        <stage ref="signoffC" />

This is utterly untested but gives some ideas I hope. Documentation here:




It's possible to make custom EPScript functions to do more complex tests.



On 26/06/2019 11:05, Johannes Schultze via Eprints-tech wrote:

Hi all,
I'm currently evaluating EPrints as a replacement for an old repository 
(custom made). Until now everything worked fine (import of existing 
files and metadata), and I'm now trying to get the release/approval 
workflow configured. As far as I have read in the documentation, there 
are four stages by default:
inbox -> buffer -> archive -> deletion
I would need some more levels (and roles) in the approval workflow. 
Something like this:
inbox -> buffer1 -> buffer2 -> buffer3 -> archive -> deletion
Different roles in the hierarchy of the organisation should approve the 
submitted eprint in multiple steps. Is it possible to configure such 
behaviour in EPrints? Or can something like this only be implemented 
with some kind of plugin?
Christopher Gutteridge <totl@soton.ac.uk> 
You should read our team blog at http://blog.soton.ac.uk/webteam/

Dipl. Inf. Johannes Schultze
Gesellschafter / Entwicklung
Tel. +49 40 60940857-5
Fax. +49 40 60940857-1
effective WEBWORK GmbH
Neuer Wall 18
20354 Hamburg
GF Dr. Matthias Finck
HRB 101108 (Hamburg)
UStId DE254169943

Dipl. Inf. Johannes Schultze
Gesellschafter / Entwicklung
Tel. +49 40 60940857-5
Fax. +49 40 60940857-1
effective WEBWORK GmbH
Neuer Wall 18
20354 Hamburg
GF Dr. Matthias Finck
HRB 101108 (Hamburg)
UStId DE254169943

Dipl. Inf. Johannes Schultze
Gesellschafter / Entwicklung
Tel. +49 40 60940857-5
Fax. +49 40 60940857-1
effective WEBWORK GmbH
Neuer Wall 18
20354 Hamburg
GF Dr. Matthias Finck
HRB 101108 (Hamburg)
UStId DE254169943
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