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Message: #07897

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[EP-tech] Adding more stages to approval workflow?

Hi all,

I'm currently evaluating EPrints as a replacement for an old repository (custom made). Until now everything worked fine (import of existing files and metadata), and I'm now trying to get the release/approval workflow configured. As far as I have read in the documentation, there are four stages by default:

inbox -> buffer -> archive -> deletion

I would need some more levels (and roles) in the approval workflow. Something like this:

inbox -> buffer1 -> buffer2 -> buffer3 -> archive -> deletion

Different roles in the hierarchy of the organisation should approve the submitted eprint in multiple steps. Is it possible to configure such behaviour in EPrints? Or can something like this only be implemented with some kind of plugin?


Dipl. Inf. Johannes Schultze
Gesellschafter / Entwicklung

Tel. +49 40 60940857-5
Fax. +49 40 60940857-1
effective WEBWORK GmbH
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20354 Hamburg

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