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Message: #07325

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[EP-tech] OAI : need some explanations about custom sets and filters

[EP-tech] OAI : need some explanations about custom sets and filters


If EPrints::DataSet::prepare_search calls EPrints::Search::new, I don't see exactly how one could "define a key on the oai set config to switch satisfy_all between 1 and 0 as necessary" in such an overloading version of oai2 script...

Best regards
Laurent Cloarec

John Salter J.Salter at leeds.ac.uk
Tue May 29 19:39:04 BST 2018

Hi Laurent,

If I remember correctly, it's an 'AND' in the vanilla oai2 interface.

From: [EPRINTS_ROOT]/cgi/oai2

my $searchexp = $ds->prepare_search(
                        allow_blank => 1,
                        filters => [
                        custom_order => "eprintid",
                        limit => ($PAGESIZE+1) );

EPrints::DataSet::prepare_search calls EPrints::Search::new - the default setting for a search is 'satisfy_all' = 1.

You could copy the cgi script above into:


and define a key on the oai set config to switch satisfy_all between 1 and 0 as necessary.

I have not tried this. It's a possible solution for what you need - but entirely untested!

If it doesn't work, or you have other questions, let me know!



PS You may also be interested in http://bazaar.eprints.org/411/ - which  flags anything that has a datestamp, but that is not currently live as 'deleted' in the OAI-PMH interface (which is more compliant with that standard).

The changes may have been merged into the core of EPrints - comparing the cgi/oai2 files should show if this is the case.

From: eprints-tech-bounces at ecs.soton.ac.uk <eprints-tech-bounces at ecs.soton.ac.uk> on behalf of Laurent Cloarec <Laurent.Cloarec at ut-capitole.fr>
Sent: 29 May 2018 14:47:52
To: eprints-tech at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Subject: [EP-tech] OAI : need some explanations about custom sets and filters


Hi there

As we do need to define an OAI custom set into our repository, I'd like to know
if the different filters criteria work only with an implicit "AND" operator
(unfortunately not "OR"), and if exists a negative operator (kind of "!=>")...

Laurent Cloarec
Service Commun de la Documentation - Service du Numérique Documentaire
Université Toulouse 1 Capitole