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Message: #07324

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Re: [EP-tech] Installation of Orcid Support Advance plugin

Hi David,

Thanks for your answer.

I hadn't read the Perlmonks post.
But it confirms that my perl 5.10 may be a bit too old :-)


Le 06/06/2018 à 09:36, David R Newman a écrit :
Hi GF,

The main developer of this plugin is not around at the moment.  I can 
see from the Bazaar page [1] that AdvanceUtils.pm is not in the EPM file 
listing.  I will get him to have a look when he is around. I believe the 
plugin is still somewhat under development, so there may be the odd 
bug.  For the second issue, sounds like you have read the PerlMonks post 
about this [2].  I can fix this an push it to the Git repository.  
However, I will leave it to the main developer to update the EPM and 
upload it to the Bazaar.


David Newman
[1] https://bazaar.eprints.org/566/
[2] http://www.perlmonks.org/index.pl?node_id=1098524

On 06/06/2018 08:17, Gilles Fournié wrote:

For your information...

I'm installing the Orcid Support Advance plugin from the Bazaar repository.

After the installation from the admin interface and a little tweaking of
z_orcid_support_advance.pl, I tried to reload the configuration and I
got several errors like the following one :

     Problem loading plugin EPrints::Plugin::Event::CheckOrcidName
     Can't locate EPrints/ORCID/AdvanceUtils.pm in @INC (@INC contains:
     /opt/www/eprints-3.3.12/bin/../perl_lib /usr/local/lib64/perl5
     /usr/local/share/perl5 /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl
     /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib64/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 .) at
     line 9, <DATA> line 960.

The AdvanceUtils.pm file seems to be missing from the EPM package.

So, I got it from the Github site.

And I got another error :

     Problem loading plugin EPrints::Plugin::Screen::ExportToOrcid
     Type of arg 1 to push must be array (not private variable) at
     line 110, near "$work;"

I then change the line #110 in ExportToOrcid.pm from :

     push $orcid_works, $work;
     push @$orcid_works, $work;

Maybe something my "old" Perl version (5.10.1) doesn't like...

Best regards

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