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Message: #07261

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[EP-tech] New Eprints installation, a few remarks/questions

Hello everyone,


I have just joined this mailing list after I installed Eprints on my testing environment (Debian 9) and wanted to share couple of remarks, ask couple questions initially. I’m not a Linux user, but my production environment is based on Debian 9, this is why I wanted to test the system at first. The installation went fine (I followed Installing EPrints 3.3.x from Source), I just needed to apply this https://github.com/eprints/eprints/issues/444, and I am able to browse and login to Eprints.


My questions for now would be:

  1. Does anyone have experience with importing items from Open Journal Systems? My intention of setting up Eprints repository is to move items from OJS (the repository would also include other items of course). OJS as far as I know supports SWORD for example.
  2. Does Eprints have any particular features to store periodicals (like volumes, issues, sections, issue covers)? If not, can it be somehow achieved?
  3. I want the repository to be available in Polish and English. Do I have to translate everything to Polish myself or there is already some translation available?
  4. How to configure Eprints to run in a subdirectory? I installed it under the main host, but I’d like it to be available under http://example.com/eprints. I found this: http://wiki.eprints.org/w/How_to_set_up_EPrints_on_virtual_directories_other_than_root and wanted to follow Option 1 “Set up eprints in a subdirectory of the EPrints server, leaving the root directory free for other things. (This is straightforward and can be done through bin/epadmin mod_core [repoid], or during initial setup)”, but actually I am not yet familiar enough with administering of Eprints.


I’d be grateful for any hints.



All the best,
