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Message: #07122

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Re: [EP-tech] Ask about frequency of items-under-review mailings:

Hi ,

I already try your suggestion, and it works. But, when I try to use to_list and to_cc (https://wiki.eprints.org/w/API:EPrints/Email), I get error. If to_email => blabla@comain.com and I want cc to other email address let say 5 people, what function I must use?

When I try thy this method below, I get error
my $bool = $user->is_staff();
my $staff_email = $bool->get_value( "email" ); #for editor/administrator
to_email => $staff_email

Error from var/log :  Can't call method "get_value" without a package or object reference at (eval 663) line 20.\n
var/last_changed.timestamp has been modified since the repository config was loaded: reloading!

On Wed, Jan 31, 2018 at 6:01 PM, John Salter <J.Salter@leeds.ac.uk> wrote:


That looks OK to me.


First, try with a hardcoded email address on this line:


You need to use single-quotes:

    to_email => 'the.email@domain.com',

if you use double-quotes, it might not work.


Let me know if that helps. If it doesn't, is there anything in the error log?

You could add something to put a message into the Apache log to check the email looks like it's been sent:

my $userMailOK = EPrints::Email::send_mail(


print STDERR "inbox to buffer email result: $userMailOK\n";


If that does work, the next question is 'how many editors do you have?'.

If it's just one (or there more than one, but they use a shared mailbox), hard-coding the email address might be OK.

If you have lots of editors, and they have different 'scopes' (you could allow one editor to process theses, another one to process journal articles), then we can do something like:

-          get all editors

-          see if the item is 'in scope' of that editor

-          email them if it is!


Let me know how you get on!






From: eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk [mailto:eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Ajunk Pracetio
Sent: 31 January 2018 09:13
To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
Subject: Re: [EP-tech] Ask about frequency of items-under-review mailings:


Hi John,

I already try this and success. But it only for live archive, not for item that just deposited. I already try add below, but I dont know is it right or wrong.


$c->add_dataset_trigger( "eprint", EP_TRIGGER_STATUS_CHANGE, sub{
    my( %o ) = @_;
    my $eprint = $o{dataobj};
    my $old_status = $o{old_status};
    my $new_status = $o{new_status};
    my $session = $eprint->get_session;
    my $user = $eprint->get_user(); #user that only editor/administrator only
    my $user_email = $user->get_value( "email" ); #when you are testing, set this to your email - so you don't spam people!

#   EXAMPLE of a deposit receipt
   if( $old_status eq "inbox" && $new_status eq "buffer" ){
       # send a deposit receipt?
       # Do something similar to the stuff below - but with different phrases!

        my $title = $eprint->render_value( "title" );
        my $users_name = $user->render_value( "name" );
        my $mail = $session->make_element( "mail" );
        $mail->appendChild( $session->html_phrase( "status_change_inbox_to_review_body",
            users_name => $users_name,
                 title => $title
        ) );
        my $userMailOK = EPrints::Email::send_mail(
            session => $session,
            langid => $session->get_langid,
            to_email => #EDITOR OR ADMINISTRATOR EMAIL?,
            subject => $session->phrase( "status_change_inbox_to_review_subject" ),
            message => $mail,
            sig => $session->html_phrase( "mail_sig" )
    if( $old_status eq "buffer" && $new_status eq "archive" ){
        # you might want to check what the datestamp is - and not send an email if this item has
        # been moved from archive -> buffer -> archive for some reason.
        my $title = $eprint->render_value( "title" );
        my $users_name = $user->render_value( "name" );
        my $url = "" $eprint->get_url );
        $url->appendChild( $session->make_text( $eprint->get_url ) );
        my $mail = $session->make_element( "mail" );
        $mail->appendChild( $session->html_phrase( "status_change_buffer_to_archive_user_body",
            users_name => $users_name,
                 title => $title,
            eprint_url => $url
        ) );
        my $userMailOK = EPrints::Email::send_mail(
            session => $session,
            langid => $session->get_langid,
            to_email => $user_email,
            subject => $session->phrase( "status_change_buffer_to_archive_user_subject" ),
            message => $mail,
            sig => $session->html_phrase( "mail_sig" )
        # you could check the value of $userMailOK - in case the email wasn't sent
    } # END of buffer-to-archive

Thank you


On Tue, Jan 30, 2018 at 5:13 PM, John Salter <J.Salter@leeds.ac.uk> wrote:

Hi Agung,


Yes - there is a way to do this.

I wrote this page a while ago to explain how - let me know if there are parts that you don't understand!








From: eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk [mailto:eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Ajunk Pracetio
Sent: 28 January 2018 06:52
To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
Subject: [EP-tech] Ask about frequency of items-under-review mailings:



Is it possible to send email frequencies directly to the editor whenever a depositor uploads an item? Because the setting is only once per day.

If you have to make modifications, which files should I edit?

thank you.

Agung P.W


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