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Message: #07119

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Re: [EP-tech] Ask about frequency of items-under-review mailings:

Hi John,

I already try this and success. But it only for live archive, not for item that just deposited. I already try add below, but I dont know is it right or wrong.

$c->add_dataset_trigger( "eprint", EP_TRIGGER_STATUS_CHANGE, sub{
    my( %o ) = @_;
    my $eprint = $o{dataobj};
    my $old_status = $o{old_status};
    my $new_status = $o{new_status};
    my $session = $eprint->get_session;
    my $user = $eprint->get_user(); #user that only editor/administrator only
    my $user_email = $user->get_value( "email" ); #when you are testing, set this to your email - so you don't spam people!
#   EXAMPLE of a deposit receipt
   if( $old_status eq "inbox" && $new_status eq "buffer" ){
       # send a deposit receipt?
       # Do something similar to the stuff below - but with different phrases!

        my $title = $eprint->render_value( "title" );
        my $users_name = $user->render_value( "name" );
        my $mail = $session->make_element( "mail" );
        $mail->appendChild( $session->html_phrase( "status_change_inbox_to_review_body",
            users_name => $users_name,
                 title => $title
        ) );
        my $userMailOK = EPrints::Email::send_mail(
            session => $session,
            langid => $session->get_langid,
            to_email => #EDITOR OR ADMINISTRATOR EMAIL?,
            subject => $session->phrase( "status_change_inbox_to_review_subject" ),
            message => $mail,
            sig => $session->html_phrase( "mail_sig" )
    if( $old_status eq "buffer" && $new_status eq "archive" ){
        # you might want to check what the datestamp is - and not send an email if this item has
        # been moved from archive -> buffer -> archive for some reason.
        my $title = $eprint->render_value( "title" );
        my $users_name = $user->render_value( "name" );
        my $url = "" $eprint->get_url );
        $url->appendChild( $session->make_text( $eprint->get_url ) );
        my $mail = $session->make_element( "mail" );
        $mail->appendChild( $session->html_phrase( "status_change_buffer_to_archive_user_body",
            users_name => $users_name,
                 title => $title,
            eprint_url => $url
        ) );
        my $userMailOK = EPrints::Email::send_mail(
            session => $session,
            langid => $session->get_langid,
            to_email => $user_email,
            subject => $session->phrase( "status_change_buffer_to_archive_user_subject" ),
            message => $mail,
            sig => $session->html_phrase( "mail_sig" )
        # you could check the value of $userMailOK - in case the email wasn't sent
    } # END of buffer-to-archive

Thank you

On Tue, Jan 30, 2018 at 5:13 PM, John Salter <J.Salter@leeds.ac.uk> wrote:

Hi Agung,


Yes - there is a way to do this.

I wrote this page a while ago to explain how - let me know if there are parts that you don't understand!








From: eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk [mailto:eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Ajunk Pracetio
Sent: 28 January 2018 06:52
To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
Subject: [EP-tech] Ask about frequency of items-under-review mailings:



Is it possible to send email frequencies directly to the editor whenever a depositor uploads an item? Because the setting is only once per day.

If you have to make modifications, which files should I edit?

thank you.

Agung P.W


Life isn't valuable if you don't have someone to care

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