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Message: #07085

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[EP-tech] Question about autocompletion...

Hi all,

Is it possible to capture in any way the id of the multiple field from which autocompletion is declared?

Let me explain a bit (difficult to explain in English for me!): in my case, I trigger a call for autocompletion (with call to webervice). Ok. I added a link (idRef) that calls a modal window that refine the search (and offers the possibility to redo a search).
The call is made this way : <a href="" _onClick_=\"jQuery.noConflict();envoiClient('Nom de personne',\'$name, $firstname\','','','','','','');return false;\">IdRef</a> 

In return, I want to retrieve the selected information in the modal window and insert it in the right place in Eprints form. For that, I need to pass, automatically, in parameter, the iD of the field from which autocompletion is started. Something like :

<a href="" _onClick_=\"jQuery.noConflict();envoiClient('Nom de personne',\'$name, $firstname\','','','','','','#c21_creators_2_ppn');return false;\">IdRef</a>

<a href="" _onClick_=\"jQuery.noConflict();envoiClient('Nom de personne',\'$name, $firstname\','','','','','','#c21_creators_3_ppn');return false;\">IdRef</a>

How to capture this information from the autocompletion definition file? Is it even possible?

Tell me if it's not clear .. and thank you for your help or suggestions !



Jean Marie Le Bechec
Service Commun de la Documentation
Responsable ingenierie documentaire
Direction du Systeme d'Information
Referent Etudes

Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse
6 allee Emile Monso - bp 34038 -
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Mail : lebechec@inp-toulouse.fr