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Message: #01904

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[EP-tech] Re: Details and Preview tab in custom status

Thanks again for the pointer Tim.

For the list, and in case anyone else has the issue, I managed to reinstate the Details and Preview tabs for basic users looking at items in my new status 'my_status' by adding the following privileges (initially directly to the user profile, but eventually will be via a specific role).

+eprint/my_status/details      (for the details tab)
+eprint/my_status/summary      (for the preview tab)

These don't appear to grant the right to edit anything on the items in this status, which is what I was after.


-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Brody [mailto:tdb2@ecs.soton.ac.uk] 
Sent: 22 April 2013 15:50
To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
Subject: [EP-tech] Re: Details and Preview tab in custom status

On Mon, 2013-04-22 at 15:24 +0100, Alan.Stiles wrote:
> Can anybody point me in the right direction please?
> I'm trying to get the Preview and Details tabs of an eprint to appear 
> for a basic user when I have changed the item status to a custom value 
> (eg 'my_review'), but all I can currently see are the 'Actions' and 
> 'Editorial' tabs, containing my own custom actions, which currently 
> have no security attached.
> I've tried looking at the 'can_be_viewed' method of 
> EPrints::Plugin::Screen::EPrint::View  and my head is spinning around 
> the value of
> 	$self->allow("eprint/view")
> which equals 4 when the item is in 'inbox' but zero when the item is 
> in 'my_review'.
> Any thoughts where I should be looking - I can't find anything about 
> altering these permission in the wiki or tech-list after various 
> searches.


The eprint/view privilege will be expanded out to eprint/[status]/view.
That can further be refined to eprint/[status]/view:editor, if you are an editor user.

So perhaps you need to grant the eprint/my_review/view permission to basic users?

I think Details are bound up with the rights to edit an EPrint? I haven't tried giving a user just that tab without them also having the edit privilege.

All the best,

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