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Message: #01873
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[EP-tech] Re: mysqldump problem with cachetables
- To: Malcolm Bodger <M.Bodger@westminster.ac.uk>
- Subject: [EP-tech] Re: mysqldump problem with cachetables
- From: Paolo Tealdi <paolo.tealdi@polito.it>
- Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2013 15:23:46 +0200
Il 19/04/2013 15:01, Malcolm Bodger ha scritto:
Hi Paolo, I run the cleanup_cachemaps, but it only removed one orphaned table, leaving me with 942. Would you know why I have so many cache tables? Thanks. Regards, Malcolm.
Hi Malcom, This is normal. When you make a web search on your eprints web interface, the system saves the result records in a cache table, avoiding to repeat a (possibly) cpu intensive operation (for example to present the next search page). The server saves the recordset result in a table named "cache$number" and adds a line also in "cachemap" table. The epadmin command i wrote matches the records in "cache" table with the cache"number" table, cleaning orphaned table (NOT all cache table on the orphaned one). The server has a setting for the max number of cache table active, when you go beyond that number, automatically the server drops the oldest table "table$number" and deletes its related record in "cachemap" table. The error you find in the mysqldump is due to this automatic cache cleaning by eprints: mysqldump tries to dump a table that eprints has already deleted. I think it's not a problem if you put --force in the mysqldump parameters. Best regards, Paolo Tealdi -- Ing. Paolo Tealdi Area IT - Politecnico Torino Telefono/Phone : +39-011-0906714 , FAX : +39-011-0906799 Indirizzo/Address : C.so Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 - 10129 Torino - ITALY Skype : tealdi.paolo Please consider your environmental responsibility before printing this e-mail
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- [EP-tech] Re: mysqldump problem with cachetables
- From: Malcolm Bodger <M.Bodger@westminster.ac.uk>
- [EP-tech] Re: mysqldump problem with cachetables
- References:
- [EP-tech] mysqldump problem with cachetables
- From: Malcolm Bodger <M.Bodger@westminster.ac.uk>
- [EP-tech] Re: mysqldump problem with cachetables
- From: Paolo Tealdi <paolo.tealdi@polito.it>
- [EP-tech] Re: mysqldump problem with cachetables
- From: Malcolm Bodger <M.Bodger@westminster.ac.uk>
- [EP-tech] mysqldump problem with cachetables
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