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Message: #01885

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[EP-tech] Details and Preview tab in custom status

Can anybody point me in the right direction please?

I'm trying to get the Preview and Details tabs of an eprint to appear for a basic user when I have changed the item status to a custom value (eg 'my_review'), but all I can currently see are the 'Actions' and 'Editorial' tabs, containing my own custom actions, which currently have no security attached.

I've tried looking at the 'can_be_viewed' method of EPrints::Plugin::Screen::EPrint::View  and my head is spinning around the value of
which equals 4 when the item is in 'inbox' but zero when the item is in 'my_review'.

Any thoughts where I should be looking - I can't find anything about altering these permission in the wiki or tech-list after various searches.


Alan Stiles
Digital Repository Developer
Open Research Online (http://oro.open.ac.uk)

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