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Message: #09844

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CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.

Can anybody advise me on the LDAP script for user login?

This one:

Our IT Services department has contacted me to say one of our test servers is using LDAP when it should be using LDAPS. According to them this depends on which port we use for LDAP. The script in question doesn't mention the port (a test username lookup script above it on the wiki does). I can't determine how the script selects a port and it isn't in the LDAP config file.

This problem does not exist on the equivalent live server. The only major difference between Live and Test is that Live uses https and Test uses http. IT Services seem convinced that this is not the cause/solution and I don't really have a clue myself.

Anyway, my question is, how does the ldap script determine which port to use?
