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Message: #09754

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Re: [EP-tech] Record not showing in search data


I have occasionally seen this issue occur in the past.  It is likely that the "New Version" button on the Actions tab for this item has been clicked.  This will create a new version but as this is intended to supersede the current version it will set the metadata visibility for that to hide.  This can be problematic until the new item is moved to the live archive.  There is also the issue that if this new item is subsequently destroyed the item it was created as a new version from will not have its metadata visibility reset back to show.

The only real solution in this case is to add the metadata_visibility field to your eprint workflow (maybe at the bottom of the core / Details section but only visible to Editors / Admins).  This will allow you to change the setting back.  Below is the XML you would need for this

    <epc:if test="$STAFF_ONLY = 'TRUE'">
        <field ref="metadata_visibility"/>

It may be possible to write an on remove trigger so that the item a new version was created from is reset when it is removed.  However, I am not sure even if this item has been removed.  I think the quickest way to check this (as I think it is unlikely you have the succeeds field in your eprint staff search) is to use the following database query to see if this item has a new version and what its status is:

SELECT * FROM eprint where succeeds = 112868\G

The \G at the end will ensure the results are displayed in a more readable way for this record.  If you get no results then I think the situation I described in my first paragraph has occurred and the new version item has been destroyed.  If there is a record and it is in the live archive, then EPrints is behaving as intended but maybe you have misunderstood how the "New Version" button should be used.  (Probably you wanted to use the "Use as Template" button instead).  Here you may also want to add some XML like above to the eprint workflow, but so editors/admins can also unset the succeeds field.  As in this case you have identified taht the newer item is not really a new version superseding the original.  If the item is not in the live archive you may want to check whether it looks like a new version superseding the old one and if it is move it to the live archive, so people can at least find one result for this publication.

As an aside, does anyone else have any thoughts of how to deal with the issue of items which have their "New Version" button clicked can accidentally be hidden from search?


David Newman

On 10/07/2024 3:11 am, Noorhafizah Mohd Akil wrote:
CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.
CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.
Hi all.

This record is not showing in SEARCH ITEMS, I've checked the indexing and it's fine. Then I found that the metadata visibility is set to 'Hide in search results'. as shown below. This is the first time I'm encountering this issue. How can I resolve this and change the metadata visibility to always show?

Thank you in advance.


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