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Message: #09243

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[EP-tech] Secure Mails via SMTP/Mail Auth on EPrints

CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.

Dear all,


because of a enforced change to a Outlook / Office 365 mail server at our institution, SMTP-based mails out of our EPrints repo may soon see the end.


Has anybody a recipe how to configure mail within EPrints to use a Outlook / Office 365 mail server with some sort of authentication ?

E.g. for platform based on Open Journal Systems we do have the option to configure the following parameters:


Server name


Auth mechanism (e.g. SSL, TLS)

Username (for central sender)


Auth type (e.g RAM-MD5, LOGIN, PLAIN, XOAUTH2)

If OAUTH, client secret, id, token


force_ default_envelope_sender

DMARC compliance


Kind regards,





Dr. Martin Brändle
Zentrale Informatik
Universität Zürich
Stampfenbachstr. 73
CH-8006 Zürich