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Message: #09219

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[EP-tech] Upgrading 3.3.16 to

CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.
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Dear EPrints crowd,

I have been trying to upgrade a server running EPrints 3.3.16 under Ubuntu 14.04 to one that runs EPrints 3.4.4 under Ububtu 22.04.

I cloned the original machine (it’s a virtual server), stopped apache, moved the original archive as described in the notes at


and then bootstrapped my way up the Ubuntu LTS list to 22.4. I then followed the rest of the directions above and all appeared to go well, but when, as the eprints user, I do

   epadmin test mims3

where “mims3” is the name of my archive, I get

"Duplicate field name encountered: eprint.full_text_status”,

while if I try “epadmin upgrade mims3” i get

"Duplicate field name encountered: user.captcha”,

I’d be grateful for any advice about what has gone wrong and how to procede.


(he, him, his)

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