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Message: #09195

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[EP-tech] Problem with XML export

CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.

Dear all,


We are just in the process of migrating our EPrints repository from 3.3.15 to 3.4.3. Up to now, everything went as expected. But now we have a problem with XML export files. We regularly generate these files for inclusion into researcher’s websites on the university’s CMS and store them in a directory in order to give quicker access for very long lists. Up to now, the export with the XML plugin resulted in files with mimetype=application/xml, with 3.4.3 we get mimetype=text/xml. On the webpages we now have the problem that German Umlauts etc. are not displayed correctly and we are not sure whether there is a connection with this change.


Does anybody have any idea where changes were made in the export plugins or has any ideas on how we could go back to application/xml?

Unfortunately, the colleague who wrote the export script does not work anymore at the university and my technical understanding of this is rather rudimentary. I would be grateful for any hints.


Best wishes,



Verena Mattes

Dep. Digital Services

Bayreuth University Library

Universitätsstrasse 30

95447 Bayreuth

Phone:  +49-(0)921-55-3452


