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Message: #09043

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Re: [EP-tech] orcid support advance

CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.
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Hi Tomasz,

afaik you guessed correctly: As soon as a user connects to orcid.org, the plugin looks for existing author/editor entries where the value of the "id" field matches the user's email address. It then fills the orcid field of the author/editor with the user's orcid. [1]

From there on the lookup script takes over. (Not sure, but I think there's even a trigger on saving eprints that goes the other way round: take each author/editor id, check if there is a user with that email address and if they have an orcid, put this into the id field of the author/editor.)

If I remember correctly, the names of users or authors/editors are irrelevant for this process. (People may change names, anyway. That's why we need an identifier such as orcid in the first place.)

Best regards

[1] https://github.com/eprints/orcid_support_advance/issues/15
Dennis Müller, B.A.

Universität Mannheim
Digitale Bibliotheksdienste | Schloss Schneckenhof West | 68131 Mannheim

Tel: +49 621 181-3023
E-Mail: dennis.mueller@uni-mannheim.de

Web: www.bib.uni-mannheim.de

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