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Message: #08958

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[EP-tech] Enable SSL on new server

CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.

I'm in the very final stages of a server rebuild/upgrade (and I can't wait to hand it back to the owners). Got an eprints repository for our data sets up and running. I am really struggling with getting SSL to work. I've followed the instructions available through the EPrints pages, but it just isn't working.

At the moment if I click on a https link (https://datacat.liverpool.ac.uk/view) I get:
"404 page not found on this server".

In Chrome it does indicate that there is a valid certificate. It's the same security certificate as on the previous server, but all the server details are the same. Plus I'd expect to be told there is a problem with the certificate if they weren't working.

Going to the https of the homepage I receive the default apache index page:


Clicking on links, they automatically take me to https, but it 404s.

Any advice for what I've missed? I'm in developer mode for now, but I am being careful to restart apache and regenerate static pages after making changes. It's eprints 3.4, apache and Ubuntu 20.
