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Message: #08914

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[EP-tech] Ask about undefined phrases and plugins not found

CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.

I'd like to ask about an error warning at my var/log/apache2/error.log like below :

SQL IS 'SELECT `rendered_set_value` FROM `irstats2_cache_set_values` WHERE `set_name` = 'eprint' AND `set_value` = '2260''
SQL IS 'SELECT `rendered_set_value` FROM `irstats2_cache_set_values` WHERE `set_name` = 'eprint' AND `set_value` = '2260''
SQL IS 'SELECT SUM( `count` ) FROM `irstats2_cache_downloads` WHERE `eprintid` = 2260 ORDER BY SUM(`irstats2_cache_downloads`.`count`) DESC'
Undefined phrase: Plugin/Stats/View/KeyFigures:hits (en) at line 396 in /usr/share/eprints3/perl_lib/EPrints/Plugin.pm
SQL IS 'SELECT SUM( `count` ) FROM `irstats2_cache_views` WHERE `eprintid` = 2260 ORDER BY SUM(`irstats2_cache_views`.`count`) DESC'
SQL IS 'SELECT `rendered_set_value` FROM `irstats2_cache_set_values` WHERE `set_name` = 'eprint' AND `set_value` = '2677''
SQL IS 'SELECT `rendered_set_value` FROM `irstats2_cache_set_values` WHERE `set_name` = 'eprint' AND `set_value` = '2677''
Plugin 'Stats::View::SetDesc' not found.

Is there any step that I can clearn this error from my error.log? About plugins Stats::View::SetDesc. is it a clue to install it?

Thank you

Agung PW