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Message: #08904

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Re: [EP-tech] command line user delete?

CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.

Hi Herbert,

even though there is not an appropriate script in the official
distribution of E-Prints, consider yourself free to try to forge a perl
"one-liner" like this, that just uses the API:

eprintsuser:~ $ perl -Iperl_lib -MEPrints -E 'my $E = EPrints->new; my
$R = $E->repository("INSERT_REPO_ID_HERE");
$R->dataset("user")->search(search_fields => [{ meta_fields =>
["username"], match => "EQ", merge => "ANY", value => "gone leftoo"
}])->map(sub { say "Type of user ", $_[2]->value("username"), " is ",
$_[2]->value("usertype") });'

The upper quick and dirty demo code is deliberately non-destructive.
Once you replace the say-statement by $_[2]->delete I hope you have
double-proofread the given list of user names.


Florian Heß

Am 23.03.22 um 10:01 schrieb David R Newman via Eprints-tech:
Hi Herbert,

I am not aware of anyway of programmatically removing a user from the
command line.  There is the EPRINTS_PATH/bin/toolbox that can do
standard API like operations but only for eprints, documents and files,
including delete in a way similar to how you may intend for these
spurious users.  It may be possible to extend this but would need to be
done with care.

I assume in your scenario they are unused user accounts with no eprints
associated.  These would be safe to delete but those with eprints would
need to have a mechanism for reassigning them or at least confirm the
person using the command is happy for them to be deleted as well.  I
think this is probably why there is no command line tool to do this, as
it could be rather dangerous.


David Newman

On 23/03/2022 7:29 am, Herbert Hrachovec via Eprints-tech wrote:
CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.


is there a way to delete spurious users on the command line e.g. by
their UID? (I've had some of them.)

Best regards,

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