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Message: #08862

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[EP-tech] Eprints Flavours - Research Data vs Recollect plugin

CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.
Hi All,

My question is essentially: I have an eprints 3.3 data repository with the ReCollect plugin. Which would be the most suitable flavour of EPrints to upgrade to in 3.4? Details below:

I am about to start the upgrade/rebuild of our Data Repository servers. Currently we are on EPrints 3.3.14 with the Recollect plugin. We hope to go up to the most recent version of EPrints (3.4.3?). I am aware of flavours, specifically the existence of Research Data flavour.

I have had a look at the example repositories listed here that use the Research Data flavour and while some of them look a lot like our existing Data Repository there is only so much you can work out from the front-end.


Can anybody advise on how the two would compare? If I go for the Research Data flavour will I have trouble migrating the contents of the old database? I was hoping the RD flavour would essentially be EPrints with the Recollect plugin baked in. It might be for all I know. Maybe it's something different as I've just been reading about a Research Impact flavour, but I think that might be something different?

Any advice or sharing of experiences would be appreciated.
