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Message: #08807

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[EP-tech] About Browse view

CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.
Hi all,
I have some question of the following point, why it is coming like this.

1. I have created a browse view by keywords, the problem is that it is not coming up group-wise or with different values. When we give keywords by comma to any item then it is showing as it is on the browse by result page.
2. Why is the search function not working perfectly? When we search for a resource, it doesn't appear at first. I searched with the English title in a simple search box but it appears at the end of the search results page along with other different language titles. Even when we use a double inverted comma with titles it gives the same search result. How to enable this function?  Is there any way we can enable Truncation Search, Wild Card Search, Proximity Operators, and Boolean Operators search function in the simple search box?