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Message: #08793
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[EP-tech] Need some help, not able to click on the missing values/undefined item
- To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
- Subject: [EP-tech] Need some help, not able to click on the missing values/undefined item
- From: Sonu Yadav <yvsonu1987@gmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2021 12:46:24 +0530
CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.
Dear Team,

1. I created the journals_volume browse by. It is successfully created. I came across some of the material that has no name for the periodicals mentioned in the records.
In the browse view menu page, It is not showing undefined clickable value in place of this it is only showing the no. of items only.
Note: I attached the screenshot for reference.

id=>"date", menus => [ { fields => [ "publication" ], allow_null => 1, hideempty => 1, new_column_at => [10,10], }], order=>"-date/title", allow_null => 1, variations => [ "date;res=year","date;res=month","creators_name","volume","number","DEFAULT"
], },
2. On the above browse views code in the variations. I need month wise sorting for this I use date;res=month as well as date;res=mm but that is showing with Date and year while when I use date;res=year it is only showing year not date or month.
In our repository we mention the date of publication with DDMMYYY. when we generate the variation or menu it create the long list for this we are not able to find the related material easily.
3. How to show the Activity Overview on the Homepage of the site from the Usage Statistics page.
I also attached the screenshot for reference.
4. I created the Document language metadata fields for browse by in the views.pl. For this, there is the dupication of the work for mentioning the language in two place. Is there any possibilty that we can also create browse by things from the upload tab in the items workflow process that add the fexibility in the browsing and searching of the eprints sites.
- Follow-Ups:
- [EP-tech] Need some help, not able to click on the missing values/undefined item
- From: Sonu Yadav <yvsonu1987@gmail.com>
- [EP-tech] Need some help, not able to click on the missing values/undefined item
- References:
- [EP-tech] Need some help, not able to click on the missing values/undefined item
- From: Sonu Yadav <yvsonu1987@gmail.com>
- [EP-tech] Need some help, not able to click on the missing values/undefined item
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