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Message: #08769
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Re: [EP-tech] Antwort: Re: Citation Style Language (CSL) & EPrints?
- To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
- Subject: Re: [EP-tech] Antwort: Re: Citation Style Language (CSL) & EPrints?
- From: Yuri <yurj@alfa.it>
- Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2021 15:24:58 +0200
Here the files
I think removing JS files is probably a sensible precaution, as they could possibly be executed through web browsers and possibly do something nasty. Replacing with a .txt extension should allow you to send such attachments to the list, as it will likely load in a text editor and therefore not be executed.
On 12/10/2021 13:36, Martin Braendle via Eprints-tech wrote:
CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.Thank you Yuri,
looks interesting. Unfortunately, ep-tech removed the citation.js you sent.
Kind regards,
"Yuri via Eprints-tech" ---12/10/2021 14:23:11---CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton. This is what I did. It is not
Von: "Yuri via Eprints-tech" <eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk>
An: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
Datum: 12/10/2021 14:23
Betreff: Re: [EP-tech] Citation Style Language (CSL) & EPrints?
Gesendet von: <eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk>
CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.This is what I did. It is not a plugin but a eprint_render part + a _javascript_ which uses https://citation.crosscite.org/ api and need a DOI. The script has been modified from the one in the https://citation.crosscite.org/ page.
Maybe not exacly what asked for...
Il 12/10/21 13:48, Martin Braendle via Eprints-tech ha scritto:
CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.
warming up a very old question from a former colleague:
Has anyone written a plugin that would allow to choose and render a CSL style when rendering an eprint, e.g. using citeproc.js as renderer?
For example, PKP's Open Journal System has a plugin that does this (it uses citeproc.php).
You can see it in action here:
https://ejhc.org/article/view/2584 (under "How To Cite")
Kind regards,
Dr. Martin Brändle
Zentrale Informatik
Universität Zürich
Stampfenbachstr. 73
CH-8006 Zürich
mail: martin.braendle@uzh.ch
phone: +41 44 63 56705
fax: +41 44 63 54505
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=== insert in eprint_render === # Citation block my $div_citation = $repository->make_element('div', class => "rd_citation_right"); $div_citation->appendChild($repository->make_element('script', src => '//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.12.4.js')); $div_citation->appendChild($repository->make_element('script', src => '//code.jquery.com/ui/1.12.0/jquery-ui.js')); $div_citation->appendChild($repository->make_element('script', src => '/javascript/citation.js')); #my $cittable = # $repository->make_element( # "table", # border => "0", # cellpadding => "2", # width => "100%" # ); my $citfrag = $repository->make_doc_fragment; my $citheading = $repository->make_element('h2', class => "file_list_heading", style=>"margin-bottom: 1em;"); $citheading->appendChild($repository->make_text("Cite As")); $citfrag->appendChild($citheading); #$citfrag->appendChild($cittable ); my $doitocite = $eprint->render_value("doi"); my $citeform = $repository->make_element("form", action=>"",id=>"form", style=>"font-size: small;"); #my $labelcite=$repository->make_element("label", for=>"doi"); #$labelcite->appendChild($repository->make_text("This item DOI:")); my $inputdoi=$repository->make_element("input", id=>"doi", type=>"hidden", required=>"true", class=>"form-control", value=>$doitocite); #my $pdoi=$repository->make_element("p", class=>"help-block"); #$pdoi->appendChild($repository->make_text($doitocite)); my $labelformat = $repository->make_element("label", for=>"styles"); $labelformat->appendChild($repository->make_text("Select Formatting Style:")); my $selectstyle = $repository->make_element("select", id=>"styles", class=>"form-control"); my $phelp = $repository->make_element("p", class=>"help-block"); $phelp->appendChild($repository->make_text("Begin typing (e.g. Chicago or IEEE.) or use the drop down menu.")); my $labellocales = $repository->make_element("label", for=>"locales"); $labellocales->appendChild($repository->make_text("Select Language and Country:")); my $selectlocales = $repository->make_element("select", id=>"locales", class=>"form-control"); my $phelpselect = $repository->make_element("p", class=>"help-block"); $phelpselect->appendChild($repository->make_text("Begin typing (e.g. en-GB for English, Great Britain) or use the drop down menu.")); my $inputformat = $repository->make_element("input", type=>"submit", value=>"Format", class=>"btn-lg btn-default center-block", style=>"margin-bottom: 1em;"); my $citationdiv = $repository->make_element("div", id=>"citation"); #$citeform->appendChild($labelcite); $citeform->appendChild($inputdoi); #$citeform->appendChild($pdoi); $citeform->appendChild($labelformat); $citeform->appendChild($selectstyle); $citeform->appendChild($phelp); $citeform->appendChild($labellocales); $citeform->appendChild($selectlocales); $citeform->appendChild($phelpselect); $citeform->appendChild($inputformat); $citfrag->appendChild($citeform); $citfrag->appendChild($citationdiv); $div_citation->appendChild($citfrag); $fragments{citation} = $div_citation;
/* * This javascript file will be loaded after all the system files. * (so other javascript functions will already be loaded) * * Javascript files are loaded in alphabetic order, hence the "90" * in the filename to force it to load after the other files! * * To totally replace a system js file, create a file of the same * name in this directory. eg. 50_preview.js * */ var $j = jQuery.noConflict(); function init() { $j("#form").submit(submit); $j("#styles").loadSelect("https://citation.crosscite.org/styles/").val("apa"); $j("#locales").loadSelect("https://citation.crosscite.org/locales").val("it-IT"); $j("#styles").combobox(); $j("#locales").combobox(); // (new URL(window.location.href)).searchParams.forEach((x, y) => // document.getElementById(y).value = x); new URL(window.location.href).searchParams.forEach(function (x, y) { return document.getElementById(y).value = x; }); // TODO: there is an issue in order to get plain-text right-of-thebox in github https://github.com/zenorocha/clipboard.js/issues/299 //$j("#citation_row").hide(); $j("#copy_citation").hide(); } $j.fn.loadSelect = function(url) { var select = $j(this); $j.getAsync(url, function(data) { data.sort(); var options = arrayToSelectOptions(data); select.html(options); }); return select; }; $j.getAsync = function(url, success) { $j.ajax({ url : url, async : false, success: success }); }; function arrayToSelectOptions(array) { var options = $j.map(array, function(elem) { return '<option value="' + elem + '">' + elem + '</option>'; }); return options.join(""); } function submit() { $j("#citation_row").hide(); var doi = $j("#doi").val().trim(); $j.ajax({ url : "https://citation.crosscite.org/format", data : { doi : doi, style : $j("#styles").val(), lang : $j("#locales").val() }, dataType : "text", success : function(data) { $j("#citation").text(data); $j("#citation_row").show(); }, error : function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { $j("#citation_row").hide(); alert(jqXHR.responseText); } }); return false; } $j( function() { $j.widget( "custom.combobox", { _create: function() { this.wrapper = $j( "<span>" ) .addClass( "custom-combobox" ) .insertAfter( this.element ); this.element.hide(); this._createAutocomplete(); this._createShowAllButton(); }, _createAutocomplete: function() { var selected = this.element.children( ":selected" ), value = selected.val() ? selected.text() : ""; this.input = $j( "<input>" ) .appendTo( this.wrapper ) .val( value ) .attr( "title", "" ) .addClass( "custom-combobox-input ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-state-default ui-corner-left" ) .autocomplete({ delay: 0, minLength: 0, source: $j.proxy( this, "_source" ) }) .tooltip({ classes: { "ui-tooltip": "ui-state-highlight" } }); this._on( this.input, { autocompleteselect: function( event, ui ) { ui.item.option.selected = true; this._trigger( "select", event, { item: ui.item.option }); }, autocompletechange: "_removeIfInvalid" }); }, _createShowAllButton: function() { var input = this.input, wasOpen = false; $j( "<a>" ) .attr( "tabIndex", -1 ) .attr( "title", "Show All Items" ) .tooltip() .appendTo( this.wrapper ) .button({ icons: { primary: "ui-icon-triangle-1-s" }, text: false }) .removeClass( "ui-corner-all" ) .addClass( "custom-combobox-toggle ui-corner-right" ) .on( "mousedown", function() { wasOpen = input.autocomplete( "widget" ).is( ":visible" ); }) .on( "click", function() { input.trigger( "focus" ); // Close if already visible if ( wasOpen ) { return; } // Pass empty string as value to search for, displaying all results input.autocomplete( "search", "" ); }); }, _source: function( request, response ) { var matcher = new RegExp( $j.ui.autocomplete.escapeRegex(request.term), "i" ); response( this.element.children( "option" ).map(function() { var text = $j( this ).text(); if ( this.value && ( !request.term || matcher.test(text) ) ) return { label: text, value: text, option: this }; }) ); }, _removeIfInvalid: function( event, ui ) { // Selected an item, nothing to do if ( ui.item ) { return; } // Search for a match (case-insensitive) var value = this.input.val(), valueLowerCase = value.toLowerCase(), valid = false; this.element.children( "option" ).each(function() { if ( $j( this ).text().toLowerCase() === valueLowerCase ) { this.selected = valid = true; return false; } }); // Found a match, nothing to do if ( valid ) { return; } // Remove invalid value this.input .val( "" ) .attr( "title", value + " didn't match any item" ) .tooltip( "open" ); this.element.val( "" ); this._delay(function() { this.input.tooltip( "close" ).attr( "title", "" ); }, 2500 ); this.input.autocomplete( "instance" ).term = ""; }, _destroy: function() { this.wrapper.remove(); this.element.show(); } }); $j( "#combobox" ).combobox(); $j( "#toggle" ).on( "click", function() { $j( "#combobox" ).toggle(); }); } ); $j(document).ready(init);
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: [EP-tech] Antwort: Re: Citation Style Language (CSL) & EPrints?
- From: Yuri <yurj@alfa.it>
- Re: [EP-tech] Antwort: Re: Citation Style Language (CSL) & EPrints?
- References:
- [EP-tech] Citation Style Language (CSL) & EPrints?
- From: <martin.braendle@uzh.ch>
- Re: [EP-tech] Citation Style Language (CSL) & EPrints?
- From: Yuri <yurj@alfa.it>
- [EP-tech] Antwort: Re: Citation Style Language (CSL) & EPrints?
- From: <martin.braendle@uzh.ch>
- Re: [EP-tech] Antwort: Re: Citation Style Language (CSL) & EPrints?
- From: David R Newman <drn@ecs.soton.ac.uk>
- Re: [EP-tech] Antwort: Re: Citation Style Language (CSL) & EPrints?
- From: Yuri <yurj@alfa.it>
- [EP-tech] Citation Style Language (CSL) & EPrints?
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