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Message: #08669

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[EP-tech] Open Access Monitor (EPrints goes Kibana)

CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.

Dear all,

as a follow-up to our EPrints-Elasticsearch integration in our repository ZORA, we have adapted this technology to create an Open Access Monitor (OAM) for University of Zurich publications. The monitor is based on EPrints, Elasticsearch and Kibana.

Analogously to the code on https://github.com/eprintsug/EPrintsElasticsearch , the OAM code creates one or several Elasticsearch indexes with EPrints data.
These indexes then are used in interactive Kibana dashboards that can be searched, filtered and drill down.

The Open Access Monitor is available on https://www.oamonitor.uzh.ch/en.html 

There are various interrelated dashboards under "Faculties and Institutes", "Publishers and Journals", and "Authors". You are invited to investigate the data (clicking on a bar, e.g. opens further options to drill down). A few use cases are described in detail in the blog by the Main Library https://www.uzh.ch/blog/hbz/2021/07/05/new-service-open-access-monitor/?lang=en

Thank you for providing us feedback either via this list or via the feedback form on the monitor's website.

At UZH IT services we think that the ELK stack using data sources (such as EPrints) has a huge potential for building data-driven services.

Kind regards,


Dr. Martin Brändle
Zentrale Informatik
Universität Zürich
Stampfenbachstr. 73
CH-8006 Zürich