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Message: #08641

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Re: [EP-tech] IRStats2 downloads graphic not complete

CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.

the cron to collect data are working correctly?

Il 10/06/21 04:39, Perpustakaan Politeknik APP Jakarta via Eprints-tech
ha scritto:
*CAUTION:* This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.
Hi All,

Last month, we successfully installed IRStats2, but noticed some
incomplete downloads graphic (start form March 2021 until now, picture
attached). By downloading the CSV report, we know that the downloads
'count' has had 0 value since March 2021, while for older periods it
was just fine. We have tried to reload the counting process via
server, but nothing has changed. Has anyone encountered the
same issue? Or probably any advice for this kind of error?

Many thanks before.


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Yuri Carrer

 CAB - Centro di Ateneo per le Biblioteche, Università di Padova
 Tel: 049/827 9712 - Via Beato Pellegrino, 28 - Padova