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Message: #08603

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[EP-tech] custom JSON export

CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.

Good morning, working with an app to carry out reviews of automatic subject indexing created by ZBW called releasetool. https://github.com/zbw/releasetool

For this tool to connect to a catalogue requires a certain format of JSON, for example “id” instead of “eprintid”

Buildvoc is running eprints version 3.4.1, can anyone advise how to update the configuration to export as shown below. (any help would be much appreciated)


                "record": {

                                "description": [

                                                "Much of the guidance in this document is given in terms of performance classifications in relation   to British or European Standards. In such cases, it will be necessary to demonstrate that a system   or product can meet the relevant performance classification. This will be achieved if the system or   product complies with one of the following.  a. They should be in accordance with a specification or design that has been shown by a specific   test to be capable of meeting that performance classification.  b. They should have been designed by using relevant design standards in order to meet that   performance classification.  c. They should have been assessed by applying relevant test evidence, in lieu of carrying out a   specific test, as being capable of meeting that performance classification.  NOTE: Some products are subject to Classification Without Further Testing (CWFT). For the purposes   of this approved document, such products can be considered to have been shown to be  able of meeting a performance specification as per paragraph B1a."


                                "edition": [



                                "id": "884",

                                "identifier_number": [

                                                "hdl:10419/56344 [Handle]"


                                "identifier_url": [



                                "series": [

                                                "Approved Document B: Fire Safety - Volume 1: Dwellings"


                                "subject": [

                                                "Appendix B: Performance of materials, products and structures",

                                                "Building standards"


                                "title": "Para:B1 Introduction",

                                "type": "Book Section",

                                "type_genre": [

                                                "Working Paper"



                "status": 200


Best Regards,

Phil Stacey

building regulations guidance for fire safety