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Message: #08565

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[EP-tech] OAI2 Harvesting Problem

CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.
Hi All,

Hope everyone is happy and healthy.

Our repository is harvested by a company named EBSCO. Recently they have started receiving the following warning and failing to harvest:

"Harvest has been aborted by an error "Could not harvest from https://livrepository.liverpool.ac.uk/cgi/oai2: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error"

They use this base URL:


This whole area is slightly off my radar so I was hoping if there are any common things I could check? Obviously the repository is up and running. I've asked for the dates of the most recent successful harvest and the first failure as well as if it is still happening. I also need to speak with our Computing Services Department to check if the IPs can get through the firewall.

Is there anything else I can/should check based on all of your collective experience?

We did recently get a new security certificate, but I can't imagine that is a problem as we do this each year without any issues.
