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Message: #08553

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[EP-tech] Searching for DOIs

CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.

Hello all,


We received a request from one of our researchers for the option to search exact DOIs. He maintains some EPrints collections for research groups and often gets sent only the DOI for the publication that he is supposed to add to a collection.

I added the two eprints fields used in our system for DOIs to the eprints_search_advanced.pl script. The problem is that the search term, e.g. 10.1016/j.ejor.2018.02.047, is split into parts for the search with several to many entries shown as results. Additionally, the search ignores parts of the DOI (Ignoring: "10", "j", "02").

Does anyone  have an idea what to do to have an exact match as a search result?


Thanks in advance,


Verena Mattes

Dep. Digital Services

Bayreuth University Library

Phone: 0049-921-553452

Mail: verena.mattes@uni-bayreuth.de