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Message: #08353

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Re: [EP-tech] New Issue : IRStats

Hi Laurent,

I have attached the diffs need to fix the main /cgi/stats/report graphs and the individual graphs on the abstract/summary pages for each item.  You will need to run "epadmin refresh_abstracts" once you have made the changes and reloaded your webserver so that each page is updated with the new Javascript code.  I would recommend manually applying the changes rather than trying to use as a patch file, as I have really just copied and pasted the changes for a couple of different changesets and these are changes may have been made to a different version of these files than the ones you have installed on your repository.


David Newman

On 23/10/2020 14:25, Laurent Cloarec wrote:
CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.


All my apologizes for the previous post, proceeding from a too fast copy and paste.

I sent almost at same time a support request to "EPrints Services" (and Justin experienced delays in receiving it, because of issues with mail servers) and a post to this list, because I figured out that it was not only a problem with our repository, but also with others repositories using "IRStats2"... And I was far too much in hurry while posting to the list, so I didn't take time enough to "clean" the content from its references to Southampton colleagues : sorry again
for all this.

And thank you for the "fix", but I confirm that the mail format is quite
"messy", both in the list archive and through the email client view...

Best regards
Laurent Cloarec
Service Commun de la Documentation - Service du Numérique Documentaire
Université Toulouse 1 Capitole

Le 23/10/2020 à 12:01, David R Newman a écrit :
Hi Laurent,

I don't know if Justin is being slow to respond so you felt driven to use the tech list but this is not really appropriate for contacting EPrints Services.

There is a fix for the problem you report.  I have actually posted this on the tech list recently.  I don't know if you have just joined the list or have been
on it a while.  Here is the message on the mailing list archive:


However, this seems to have broken the formatting of the diff I copied and pasted.  So it is probably best looking at this email in your email client if
you were on the mailing list back on 8th October.


David Newman

This email has been checked for viruses by AVG.
Index: plugins/EPrints/Plugin/Stats/View/KeyFigures.pm
--- plugins/EPrints/Plugin/Stats/View/KeyFigures.pm     (revision 16386)
+++ plugins/EPrints/Plugin/Stats/View/KeyFigures.pm     (revision 16387)
@@ -112,9 +112,11 @@

                $frag->appendChild( $self->{session}->make_element( "div", id => $name, class => "irstats2_googlespark" ) );
         $frag->appendChild( $self->{session}->make_javascript( <<DLSPARK ) );
-       new EPJS_Stats_GoogleSpark( { 'context': $js_context, 'options': { 'container_id': '$name' } } );
+       google.setOnLoadCallback(drawGoogleSpark_$name);
+        function drawGoogleSpark_$name()
+       {
+               new EPJS_Stats_GoogleSpark( { 'context': $js_context, 'options': { 'container_id': '$name' } } );
+       }

        my $div = $frag->appendChild( $self->{session}->make_element( 'span', class => 'irstats2_keyfigures_metric' ) );

Index: plugins/EPrints/Plugin/Stats/View.pm
--- plugins/EPrints/Plugin/Stats/View.pm        (revision 16386)
+++ plugins/EPrints/Plugin/Stats/View.pm        (revision 16387)
@@ -122,12 +122,12 @@

        # note: when called from a Browse View, the DOM is already loaded thus the dom:loaded Event will never fire. That's why we first test that the dom's already loaded below.
         $frag->appendChild( $session->make_javascript( <<CODE ) );
-       if( document.loaded )
-         new EPJS_Stats_$js_class( { 'context': $json_context, 'options': $view_options } );
-       else
-               document.observe("dom:loaded",function(){
-                         new EPJS_Stats_$js_class( { 'context': $json_context, 'options': $view_options } );
-               });
+       google.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart_$id);
+       function drawChart_$id()
+       {
+               new EPJS_Stats_$js_class( { 'context': $json_context, 'options': $view_options } );
+       }

         return $frag;
Index: lang/en/phrases/irstats2.xml
--- lang/en/phrases/irstats2.xml        (revision 16524)
+++ lang/en/phrases/irstats2.xml        (revision 16525)
@@ -106,7 +106,8 @@
 <!--<p style="text-align:center"><a href="#" id="irstats2_summary_page:link">View more statistics</a></p>-->
 <script type="text/javascript">
+       google.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart_eprint_<epc:pin name='eprintid'/>);
+       function drawChart_eprint_<epc:pin name='eprintid'/>(){

                var irstats2_summary_page_eprintid = '<epc:pin name='eprintid'/>';

@@ -120,7 +121,7 @@
                        'options': {
                        'container_id': 'irstats2_summary_page_downloads', 'date_resolution':'month','graph_type':'column'
                        } } );
-               });
+       }
