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Re: [EP-tech] Copy/Duplicate Record

Cheers David!

I must be getting my wires crossed with something else (I've spent a million years playing with the DataCite stuff so a likely candidate).

I now know where to look though, which is good.

The problem we're having is merged items in Elements moving over to EPrints. The new EPrints record finds itself in the users work area. Which in Elements displays as "deposit incomplete" which has caused some confusion. We were about to raise a ticket with Symplectic before I jumped in with "Actually we can change this...". I suppose the other option is for us to re-deposit the item in Elements, but there's some reluctance for that because it allows too much opportunity for people to forget to re-deposit. Which is reasonable.

This is absolutely not a task for a Friday afternoon, but thank you for your advice. Greatly appreciated as ever!

On Fri, Aug 28, 2020 at 3:22 PM David R Newman <drn@ecs.soton.ac.uk> wrote:

Hi James,

If you are using "Use in template" or "New version" you can change the following line in perl_lib/EPrints/Plugin/Screen/EPrint/UseAsTemplate.pm or perl_lib/EPrints/Plugin/Screen/EPrint/NewVersion.pm:

my $inbox_ds = $self->{session}->get_archive()->get_dataset( "inbox" );

To 'review' or 'archive' or whatever you want.  This is admittedly not very nice as it requires hacking core code.  However, I am not aware of anyway of changing this otherwise.  I know that Symplectiic Repository Tools 1 configuration for EPrints allows you to specifiy what status new items created by it take.  If you use(d) that maybe that was what you were thinking about.


David Newman

On 28/08/2020 14:55, James Kerwin via Eprints-tech wrote:
Hi All,

Silly question: When a record in EPrints is copied or duplicated it currently gets created in the users work area.

I'm sure there was a way to alter this behaviour. I've been looking for it all afternoon and now I'm questioning if such an option exists (I'm SURE I've seen it somewhere).

If anybody has this info to hand can you nudge me in the right direction?


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