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Re: [EP-tech] How to remove a sub field from a compound field?

Hi Dennis,

Have you 'grep'ed for the field name in the lib, perl_lib and archive/ARCHIVE_ID/cfg directories to see where it might still be defined?


On 05/08/2020, 18:32, "eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk on behalf of Dennis - UT via Eprints-tech" <eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk on behalf of eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk> wrote:

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    Hi David,

    Thanks for the reply!

    It's a custom field on the eprint data object. I already removed the
    subfield from all of the mentioned files. Is field information also
    stored or cached elsewhere? I saw some references in mf* tables, but
    removing those also didn't work.

    University of Twente - NL

    On Tue, Aug 4, 2020 at 5:56 PM David R Newman <drn@ecs.soton.ac.uk> wrote:
    > Hi Dennis,
    > Assuming you want to remove a sub-field from the eprint data object
    > (dataobj) and you are running at least EPrints 3.3.x then you would need
    > to edit the field in eprint_fields.pl under
    > archives/ARCHIVE_NAME/cfg/cfg.d/ to remove the sub-field from the
    > compound field*.  If you cannot find the field in here see if you can
    > find the field somewhere else in the cfg.d/ directory.  If it is a
    > compound field you will probably not need to remove this sub-field from
    > cfg/workflows/eprint/default.xml but you may need to remove it from
    > citations in cfg/citations/eprint/.
    > Generally, I advise against removing fields using epadmin remove_field,
    > just in case you decide you want to reinstate it later, if you have
    > remove it from all the places it is included (eprint_fields.pl,
    > workflows and possibly citations and eprints_render.pl and other cfg.d
    > files).  This should mean that EPrints forgets about the field and you
    > shouldn't get any errors from EPrints trying to find a field that is no
    > longer defined.
    > Regards
    > David Newman
    > *If you are trying to remove a sub-field for a core field on the data
    > object you may not be able to do this by editing one of the config
    > files.  Instead you will need to edit perl_lib/EPrints/DataObj/Eprint.pm
    > or whatever data objects you are dealing with.
    > On 04/08/2020 15:45, Dennis - UT via Eprints-tech wrote:
    > > Hi,
    > >
    > > Does anyone know how to remove a sub field from a compound field? I
    > > removed the field from metafields.xml and metafields.pl. I also
    > > removed any reference to it from other files in the archive cfg
    > > folder, followed by a restart. This doesn't make the field disappear
    > > however.
    > >
    > > I tried epadmin remove_field on the subfield. This does delete the DB
    > > table, but the sub field is still in the UI. If I run epadmin update
    > > afterward, it just adds the table back.
    > >
    > > Somehow somewhere it still remembers the sub field.
    > >
    > > How can I completely remove the sub field?
    > >
    > > Thanks!
    > >
    > > Dennis
    > > University of Twente - NL
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