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Message: #08272

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[EP-tech] EP 3.4.1 + pub flavour doesn't export <item_issues>

Old server: Ubuntu 16.04LTS with EP 3.3.15. Worked great for years.

migrating to

New server: Ubuntu 18.04LTS, apt installed EP 3.4.1 from http://deb.eprints-hosting.org/3.4/stable/; manually downloaded & unzipped publication flavor v3.4.1.


After setup of the new server, to verify that all data came over, I compared a complete XML export from the 3.3.15 server to a complete XML export from the 3.4.1 server, both using the ~/bin/export CLI tool.


The 3.3.15 export correctly contains <item_issues> tags & corresponding subtags. The 3.4.1 server correctly imports the <item_issues>, as they are visible on the 3.4.1 web pages, but it does not export any <item_issues> tags / subtags at all.


I’d like the 3.4.1 export to contain the <item_issues> tags, as next time I do a migration like this I’ll want that data to be moved over to the newer machine.


I’m a sysadm, not a dev. I have basic perl skills, but looking at ~/perl_lib/EPrints/Plugin/Export/XML.pm, I don’t understand how XML export works or where the actual heavy lifting occurs.





Dan Stieneke

IT Specialist



3793 N 3600 E

Kimberly, ID 83341


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