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Message: #08234

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Re: [EP-tech] Problem with eprints 3.4 file restricted

One thing that might be worth checking: is the file cached?


If you:-

- downloaded it as a logged-in user

- logged out

- revisited the URL for the document

it would look like you can access it when you shouldn't be able to - as your browser has cached it.


For PDFs, it can be tricky to force the browser to reload the file - I find the easiest way to do this is to append a query-sting to the document URL:
https://your.repo/1234/1/document.pdf -> https://your.repo/1234/1/document.pdf?a   


This doesn't cause EPrints to do anything different, but the browser sees it as a different document and will try to download it again.




From: eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk [mailto:eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk] On Behalf Of David R Newman via Eprints-tech
Sent: 09 July 2020 09:13
To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk; Ajunk Pracetio <prazetyo@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [EP-tech] Problem with eprints 3.4 file restricted


Hi Agung Prasetyo W.,

Please could you give a bit more detail.  Is this 3.4 install a new install or an upgrade from EPrints 3.3?  If so you may still have an old cfg/cfg.d/security.pl at the archive level that looks up the IP address in a no longer supported way, which causes access restriction to break.  I can see that you have read the GitHub issue that looks to be relate to a similar issue.  So I am guessing you will have already checked this file.

I have not seen this issue with any vanilla installs of EPrints 3.4.  Is the version of EPrints 3.4 you have installed 3.4.0 or 3.4.1?  Is it a zero install or a publication (pub_lib) flavour?  If you want to privately send me the link to the publication that has a downloadable file that should be restricted this may help be get a better idea of what is going wrong.


David Newman

On 09/07/2020 08:59, Ajunk Pracetio via Eprints-tech wrote:

Why is my eprints 3.4 when my document is restricted to user only, can still be downloaded.

I have also read https://github.com/eprints/eprints/issues/322 and configured the suggested files, but the files can still be downloaded.

Please help.



Agung Prasetyo W.

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