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Message: #08210

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[EP-tech] Charts Visualization on IRStats - Abstract Pages - Chrome

I’ve been trying to track down a problem with loading of download summary table visualization on abstract pages and I can’t seem to figure it out.

The problem only seems to appear in Google Chrome, on Firefox and Edge all is well.

On Chrome, however, the graph visualizations don’t appear on the abstract pages, most of the time.

Clicking on “Reload” will make it appear every now and again, so the issue is intermittent to some extent; but mostly the loader just keeps spinning and it doesn’t appear.

I have tried to track down the issue, and as far as I see, the XHR call to getData works fine, and data is returned without problems, and passed to the correct functions.

The problem appears right at this line:


                   var data = "" google.visualization.DataTable();


So line 328 in this file: https://github.com/eprints/irstats2/blob/74ce563ff855f7ba9702c4cd98532e95a17166a3/lib/static/_javascript_/auto/90_irstats2.js#L328

When I put a “Break” (in the debugger in the browser) on this line, I see that it is reached, and the retrieved data (about downloads) is there in the function, but the browser almost never comes back from this line and reaches no subsequent break points. Sometimes it does come back, reaches the next line, and then stops, and then sometimes, it does keep going to the end and then the graph does display.


I tried disabling the CoreRecommender, as there are some warnings in Chrome about SameSite settings/cookies on that (not sure what that is all about either), in case that was the cause, but it didn’t change anything.  I also tried changing how Google Charts / JSAPI is included/loaded, the version number of the library, but nothing seems to fix it.


Any ideas?  Do you display a chart of downloads on abstract pages, and is it working well in Chrome? 







Tomasz Neugebauer
Digital Proj
ects & Systems Development Librarian / Bibliothécaire des Projets Numériques & Développement de Systèmes
Library / Bibliothèque
Concordia University / Université Concordia

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