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Message: #08116

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Re: [EP-tech] Division/Subject/Department Info

Hi Yuri and Chris,

Apologies for taking such a long time to reply, but I wanted to make sure I thanked you both.

Thank you; you've both given me plenty to think about and some small comfort in knowing I'm not alone with this tricky stuff. At the moment we're going through (another) restructuring event, but it looks as though it might be delayed so I may take my hands off the wheel with the Divisions (again) for a little while.

I noticed on one of the newer versions of EPrints there are "word clouds" which I think might be more useful for some users. Divisions are helpful if you know the university structure, but at Liverpool I wouldn't have immediately known the Philosophy Department was part of the School of Arts. For the sake of finding things I wonder if Divisions are really very meaningful anyway! For the purpose of reporting it's a different story, but I would expect Elements to provide that sort of functionality.
