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Message: #08073

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[EP-tech] PDF internal links stop working after cover page is generated

Dear all,

We have two installations of ePrints. One of them is used for theses (etheses.dur.ac.uk). Last week we uploaded a thesis that includes links from the table of contents to different sections of the text. Those links do work in the original document but after the upload and the cover page is generated the links are broken. The document can be found here:




and there are two versions. The top one (3823 Kb) does not have a cover page and the internal links work correctly. The second one (3698 Kb) does include a cover page and its internal links are broken.


Has anyone experienced this issue and if so, is there a solution for it?


We are running eprints-3.1.3 and the PDF was produced with MS-Word for Office 365 (PDF version: 17. (Acrobat 8.x)).







Fernando Andreu BSc (Hons) MSc MBCS AMEI

Metadata and Systems Librarian


University of Durham | University Library and Collections | Bill Bryson Library | Stockton Road | Durham | DH1 3LY | United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)191 334 1587



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