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Re: [EP-tech] EThOS webservice download tool

On Wed, 11 Dec 2019 11:29:08 +0000
John Salter via Eprints-tech <eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk> wrote:

> Works like a dream ;o)
> I might not be the best person to say how it runs in general - hopefully others will have some feedback too.
> I never got around to creating it as a Bazaar package (it was 7 years ago).
> I've got some local customisations to it that might be of use (ordering of multiple files contained in the downloaded zip (e.g. vol.1
> before vol.2); a maximum number of files that will be automatically extracted - sometimes there are *loads* of additional
> files/appendices; possibly other things).
> If people are interested in a Bazaar packaged version, I could possibly make one (not this side of Christmas though).

Even if the source code wound up in the eprintsug project it would allow gathering up some of the customisations which apear to have been

Karl Goetz
Technical Services Officer - eResearch, Information Technology Services
University of Tasmania & Tasmanian Partnership for Advanced Computing

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