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Message: #08057

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Re: [EP-tech] Cannot login to new installation

Check the apache error log, any message there?

Il 06/12/19 06:42, Ravi Murugesan via Eprints-tech ha scritto:

I'm new to EPrints. I've just set up my first EPrints website and I am
able to see the homepage on my browser. When I try to login with the
admin account I'd created during the installation, the page refreshes
and I see the login page again. I am not actually able to login. When
I put an incorrect password, I get the 'incorrect username or
password' error message. So it seems that my login credentials are
being validated but for some reason I'm not going through into my account.

I have tried creating other admin accounts and an editor account, but
the same error persists on different browsers (Firefox, Chrome and
Edge). Could someone please help?

Many thanks,
Ravi Murugesan

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