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Message: #07980

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Re: [EP-tech] Eprints not working after migration to a new server

If sees from error log, pronom_internal.pl is from preservation toolkit at eprints bazaar. Maybe you need to disable first all plugins from eprints bazaar or maybe this plugins not compatible with new debian.

Thank you.

On Sat, Sep 28, 2019, 13:37 EDER Norbert via Eprints-tech <eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk> wrote:

Dear eprints experts,


I migrated the eprints web server to a new server (mysql server is separated and is not touched).

From debian jessie 8.11 to debian buster 10.1.

Eprints stays on 3.3.16.

I used the documentation https://wiki.eprints.org/w/Moving_a_repository


At the apache error.log file, I see:


---------------- EPrints System Error ----------------------------


'dare' is not a valid repository identifier:

PerlSetVar EPrints_ArchiveID dare


EPrints System Error inducing stack dump

at /usr/share/eprints3/perl_lib/EPrints.pm line 147.

        EPrints::abort("EPrints") called at /usr/share/eprints3/perl_lib/EPrints/Apache/Rewrite.pm line 62

        EPrints::Apache::Rewrite::handler(Apache2::RequestRec=SCALAR(0x555933ce4880)) called at -e line 0

        eval {...} called at -e line 0



And when I run the epadmin test dare command or from apache web server, I get the errormessage:

eprints@hpg1002:~$ bin/epadmin test dare


---------------- EPrints System Error ----------------------------


Error in configuration:

Can't use a hash as a reference at /usr/share/eprints3/archives/dare/cfg/cfg.d/pronom_internal.pl line 58.


EPrints System Error inducing stack dump

at /usr/share/eprints3/bin/../perl_lib/EPrints.pm line 147.

        EPrints::abort("EPrints") called at /usr/share/eprints3/bin/../perl_lib/EPrints/Config.pm line 283

        EPrints::Config::load_repository_config_module("dare") called at /usr/share/eprints3/bin/../perl_lib/EPrints/Repository.pm line 517

        EPrints::Repository::load_config(EPrints::Repository=HASH(0x558a9e4ba442)) called at /usr/share/eprints3/bin/../perl_lib/EPrints/Repository.pm line 153

        EPrints::Repository::new("EPrints::Repository", "dare", "noise", 1) called at /usr/share/eprints3/bin/../perl_lib/EPrints.pm line 555

        EPrints::repository(EPrints=HASH(0x55a9e4ba590), "dare", "noise", 1) called at bin/epadmin line 376

        main::repository("dare") called at bin/epadmin line 1670

        main::test("dare") called at bin/epadmin line 312





How can I resolve this problem?


THX for your help.



With best regards,

Ing. Norbert Eder

System and Network Administrator

Information and Communication Technologies Department

tel: +43 (0)2236 807 277  |  mob: +43 (0)676 83 807 277

mail: eder@iiasa.ac.at


International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis

Schlossplatz 1, A-2361 Laxenburg, Austria | www.iiasa.ac.at

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