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Message: #07965

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Re: [EP-tech] search input html entities encoding

Maybe I've found it is in XHTML.pm on sub page:

                elsif( $type eq "pin" ) <- title for example is a pin
                        my( $pinid, $modifier ) = split /:/, $rest, 2;
                        if( defined $modifier && $modifier eq "textonly" )
                                my $text;
                                if( defined
$map->{"utf-8.".$pinid.".textonly"} )
                                        $text =
                                elsif( defined $map->{$pinid} )
                                        # don't convert href's to
                                        $text = $self->to_text_dump(
                                                show_links => 0,

                                if( defined $text )
                                        # escape any entities in the
text (<>&" etc.) <- here
                                        my $xml =
$repo->xml->create_text_node( $text );
                                        $bit = $repo->xml->to_string(
$xml );
                                        $repo->xml->dispose( $xml );

Il 10/09/19 16:31, Yuri via Eprints-tech ha scritto:
Hi all!

   can someone point me to the code in Eprints which encode the html
entities of a search input, when rendering them in the page title and in
the page body?

For example if I search (simple search for example) for "&blah>" I get a
result page with:

<title>Search results for &amp;blah&gt; - Eprints Site</title>and in the
Search results for <span class="search_desc">&amp;blah&gt;</span> I'm asking because I would to understand possible source of problems like XSS and so on.Thanks!

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