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Message: #07958

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[EP-tech] Getting Data from the EPrints Database - not urgent

Hello everyone,

I altered the staff/admin view of our EPrints installation at the start of February this year so that it displays both a link to the EPrints record and a link to the corresponding Elements record:


I managed to successfully grab the Elements ID from the Crosswalks and add it as a new field in the EPrints database ("eprint" table) under a field name of "elemid". The link only shows if an item has an elements ID and so far I've not had any problems with it.

I'm just not sure the way I'm grabbing the elements ID from the eprints database is correct. When I get the eprint ID I do the following in my local copy of View.pm:

my $eprint = $self->{processor}->{eprint};

I know there's other STUFF elsewhere in this module that handles getting the eprint  and ID. No matter what I do I can't get the Elements ID in this way and I have to use a small function to perform a SQL query to get "elemid". Is there a way I could more easily/cleanly get the elemid without writing a SQL query? I'm assuming there is and I'm totally misunderstanding what's happening.
