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Message: #07920

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Re: [EP-tech] File Size Limit

I agree. This is also valid for big file upload, even without a limit,
because a remote user can take a very long time to upload a file. In
this article there's a batchimport script that maybe can help:


Basically it does:

#create document object, add pdf files to document, attach to eprint
object, and move to live
my $doc = EPrints::DataObj::Document::create( $session, $eprint ); <-
here the eprint
$doc->add_file( $filemap->{$pq_id}, $pq_id . '.pdf' ); <- here the file
in the filesystem
$doc->set_value( "format", "application/pdf" );
print "Adding Document to EPrint ", $eprint->get_id, "\n";
print "Eprint ".$eprint->get_id." moved to archive.\n";

Il 10/07/19 00:49, Karl Goetz via Eprints-tech ha scritto:
On Tue, 9 Jul 2019 15:22:03 +0100
James Kerwin via Eprints-tech <eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk> wrote:

Elements side of it. In the end I uploaded a smaller fake file with
the same name and then switched it over manually on the server and
tweaked very small parts of the database such as the file size.
I've seen this mentioned (and acted on) a couple of times while
watching this list. Is it possible to put together a 'upload
replacement  file' management command to help wrap some safety around
these actions?


On Mon, 2019-07-08 at 12:13 +0100, James Kerwin via Eprints-tech
Hi All,

Our setup is Elements feeding Eprints via RT1.

Somebody is attempting to upload some larger-then-usual files
and we're having difficulty getting them to upload. I'm
assuming it's
to the file size and that there's a limit somewhere. We
Karl Goetz
Technical Services Officer - eResearch, Information Technology Services
University of Tasmania & Tasmanian Partnership for Advanced Computing

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